Become part of BAC rich student community and acquire a globally recognized and accredited professional qualification.

Road to knowledge

Apply online and monitor your application as it gets processed. Ensure all your certificates are certified and digitized.

Shortcourse Intake

Jan-Jun 2024 cohort


Active programme windows

Browse Catalogue

Undergraduate Intake

Jul-Dec 2024 cohort


Active programme windows

Browse Catalogue

Professional Intake

Jul-Dec 2024 cohort


Active programme windows

Browse Catalogue

Postgraduate Intake

Jul-Dec 2024 cohort


Active programme windows

Browse Catalogue

How to Apply

Digitize Your documents

Ensure all your documents have been converted into PDF and certified. The contents of the documents should be clear and readable so that they can be assessed.

Step 01
Step 02
Create Your Account

You will need a valid email address for us to be able to communicate with you. Emails can be created for free from Gmail dot com or Yahoo dot com.

Login to apply and monitor progress

Using the email provided, login to apply and monitor the progress of you application. Response will be provided through this portal.

Step 03